Men Speaker

2024 Conference Proceedings


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    Cover and Table of Content

  1. Influence of Entrepreneurial Readiness, Human Resources, Market Trends, and Government Policies on Sustainable Net-Zero Carbon Tourism in the Gulf of Thailand
    Anaphat Nongkhoo, Tanapol kortana, Bundit Pungnirund, Chaithanaskorn Phawitpiriyakliti, Chompoo Saisama

  2. Integrating Leadership Theories for Local Governance: A Model for Mayoral Leadership Development in Central Thailand
    Phasakorn Klinchang, Natapong Techarattanased, Chaichana Wongjunya, Bundit Pungnirund, Naiyana Wongjunya

  3. Innovative Approaches to Waste Management Addressing Challenges in Urban and Industrial Growth Areas
    Yingyong Rungfah, Tanapol kortana, Bundit Pungnirund, Chompoo Saisama, Waragorn Petchroong

  4. Enhancing Efficiency in Community-Based Tourism Enterprises: Integrating Leadership, Knowledge Development, and Innovation Strategies in Thailand
    Thunyaphat Vattanajirapun, Tanapol kortana, Bundit Pungnirund, Chompoo Saisama, Mooktra Thongves

  5. Innovative Management Strategies to Enhance Customer Loyalty in the Beauty Service Industry
    Narin Sawasdichan, Tanapol kortana, Bundit Pungnirund, Chompoo Saisama, Anuchit Kulwanich

  6. Enhancing Sports Tourism through Innovation with a Focus on Buriram Marathon's Economic and Behavioral Impacts
    Chalat Ratchakitprakarn, Tanapol kortana, Bundit Pungnirund, Chompoo Saisama, Thanaphon Cheungsirakulvit

  7. Enhancing Water Consumption Awareness through a Smart Water Monitoring System A Case Study on Consumer Behavior
    Chisanupong Chaipakorn, Pleumjai Sinarkorn

  8. Factors Influencing the Acceptance of English Language Learning Websites: An Empirical Study in Bangkok, Thailand
    Matumit Limsuwan, Taweep Promyoo

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